With sixteen awards up for grabs, The Thames Valley Business & Community Awards has a category for you.
The awards provide local companies, charities, entrepreneurs, community groups, and non-profits to showcase their successes and boast about some of their most notable achievements over the last 12 months.
We are taking nominations from across the Thames Valley Region. You can nominate any business, charity, or individual based in the region by clicking on the categories below.
Don't miss out! The deadline for nominations is 11pm on 31st January 2025.
Please be advised that we require as much detail as possible when nominating. The information initially submitted on the nomination will be used by the judges to Shortlist the nominees. It is not crucial for you to know all of the information required. If you are nominating and don’t have the relevant information, we will contact the nominee and ask them to supply the additional details.
This award is open to any business within the Thames Valley. Whatever your sector, if you have a great business, tell us about it. This award is for businesses established for more than two years and will recognise an organisation with an annual turnover of up to £100 million that is demonstrating its ability to grow or a strong potential to do so. The company must have a clear understanding of the market in which it operates and its future development within that marketplace, together with sound and measurable business practices.
The judges are also looking to understand how your business has adapted, diversified and also contributed to community. The judges also like to see financial performance for any business-related nomination as it contributes to their judging process.
Please be advised that the judges will take the following information into account when judging:
1. Financial performance - please indicate annual turnover and profitability of the business.
2. The local impact - for example, how many employees the nominee has, any charities or community groups they support.
3. The Business history - It is always helpful for the judges to get a clear understanding how the business has developed and progressed.
4. Future plans - Please detail anything that the nominee is looking at doing within the next 12 - 24 months for example plans for expansion, product development, any significant investment that.
5. Any personal testimonials/stories - and please share any testimonials, stories or particular examples of how this nominee has made a considerable impact via their achievements, service or career.
6. Overview of the services - tell us what makes you unique and the services, attraction and benefits you offer to visitors to the region.
7. Achievements to date - please detail any successes that the organisation has had so far. For example, how many clients they have, products that have launched, new contracts/business they have won.
Whatever your sector, if you have a great business, tell us about it. This award is for businesses established for more than two years and will recognise an organisation with an annual turnover of up to £25 million that is demonstrating its ability to grow or a strong potential to do so. The company must have a clear understanding of the market in which it operates and its future development within that marketplace, together with sound and measurable business practices.
The judges are also looking to understand how your business has adapted, diversified and also contributed to community. The judges also like to see financial performance for any business-related nomination as it contributes to their judging process.
Please be advised that the judges will take the following information into account when judging:
1. Financial performance - please indicate annual turnover and profitability of the business.
2. The local impact - for example, how many employees the nominee has, any charities or community groups they support.
3. The Business history - It is always helpful for the judges to get a clear understanding how the business has developed and progressed.
4. The future plans - Please detail anything that the nominee is looking at doing within the next 12 - 24 months for example plans for expansion, product development, any significant investment that.
5. Any personal testimonials/stories - and please share any testimonials, stories or particular examples of how this nominee has made a considerable impact via their achievements, service or career.
6. Overview of the services - tell us what makes you unique and the services, attraction and benefits you offer to visitors to the region.
7. Achievements to date - please detail any successes that the organisation has had so far. For example, how many clients they have, products that have launched, new contracts/business they have won.
The start-up award aims to celebrate and support Thames Valley’s newest businesses. Entrants to this award must be independent and have been trading for a maximum period of 18 months.
The judges are also looking to understand how your business has adapted, diversified and also contributed to community. The judges also like to see financial performance for any business-related nomination as it contributes to their judging process.
Please be advised that the judges will take the following information into account when judging the nomination
1. Financial performance - please indicate annual turnover and profitability of the business.
2. The local impact - for example, how many employees the nominee has, any charities or community groups they support.
3. The Business history - It is always helpful for the judges to get a clear understanding how the business has developed and progressed.
4. The future plans - Please detail anything that the nominee is looking at doing within the next 12 - 24 months for example plans for expansion, product development, any significant investment that.
5. Any personal testimonials/stories - and please share any testimonials, stories or particular examples of how this nominee has made a considerable impact via their achievements, service or career.
6. Overview of the services - tell us what makes you unique and the services, attraction and benefits you offer to visitors to the region.
7. Achievements to date - please detail any successes that the organisation has had so far. For example, how many clients they have, products that have launched, new contracts/business they have won.
Tell us how you as an employer look after your people so they take care of your business. Have you created an outstanding workplace based on a set of values that has led to a committed, effective and motivated workforce? The judges would like to hear about what sets you apart and how it has benefited the business and its people.
The judges are also looking to understand how your business has adapted, diversified and also contributed to community. The judges also like to see financial performance for any business-related nomination as it contributes to their judging process.
We would also like to know how you have supported your staff (examples such as flexible working, virtual working, co-working).
Please be advised that the judges will take the following information into account when judging:
1.Evidence that the health and wellbeing of your employees is embedded in your businesses culture
2.The activities that your organisation undertakes to promote and encourage the positive health and wellbeing of your staff
3.The impact that your employee initiatives have had on your employees and the wider business
4.Please demonstrate how you engage with their staff in order to achieve results
5.We’re looking for businesses that go the extra mile to satisfy their staff members and what difference this makes to the business
6.Employee development, retention and recruitment
7.Please tell us about how your approach to diversity and inclusion
8.Financial performance - please indicate annual turnover and profitability of the business.
9.The local impact - for example, how many employees the nominee has, any charities or community groups they support.
10.The Business history - It is always helpful for the judges to get a clear understanding how the business has developed and progressed.
11.The future plans- Please detail anything that the nominee is looking at doing within the next 12 - 24 months for example plans for expansion, product development, any significant investment that.
12. Any personal testimonials/stories - and please share any testimonials, stories or particular examples of how this nominee has made a considerable impact to their staff.
13. Achievements to date - please detail any successes that the organisation has had so far. For example, how many clients they have, products that have launched, new contracts/business they have won.
This award is open to any male within the Thames Valley. The nominee may have either started their own business, played a significant role within an organisation within the region or had/have either a business directorship or leadership role within the region. This award will recognise those male individuals who have shown the desire to succeed with their own ideas and have had the ambition to turn those ideas into a successful business.
The judges are also looking to understand how your nominee has adapted, diversified and also contributed to community. The judges also like to see financial performance for any business-related nomination as it contributes to their judging process.
Please be advised that the judges will take the following information into account when judging the nomination:
This award is open to any female within the Thames Valley. The nominee may have either started their own business, played a significant role within an organisation within the region or had/have either a business directorship or leadership role within the region.
The judges are also looking to understand how your nominee has adapted, diversified and also contributed to community. The judges also like to see financial performance for any business-related nomination as it contributes to their judging process.
Please be advised that the judges will take the following information into account when judging the nomination:
This award is made to individuals under the age of 30 who are involved in a business. These include young entrepreneurs that are building their own venture or those employees who have had an outstanding impact in contributing to the successes of a larger organisation.
The judges are also looking to understand how your nominee has adapted, diversified and also contributed to community. The judges also like to see financial performance for any business-related nomination as it contributes to their judging process.
Please be advised that the judges will take the following information into account when judging the nomination:
This award recognises an individual who has made an exceptional contribution and commitment to their workplace.
The judges are also looking to understand how your nominee has adapted, diversified and also contributed to community. The judges also like to see financial performance for any business-related nomination as it contributes to their judging process.
The judges will be looking for evidence of the following:
This award is open to anyone that is leading a Business or Charity within Thames Valley. The nominee may have either started their own business, played a significant role within an organisation or had/have either a business directorship or leadership role.
This award will be given to an individual that has made an outstanding contribution to business and industry through years of dedication and hard work. This amazing person has helped to create jobs, employment and growth and inspired others to follow suit. The winner of this award is a Business Leader of unparalleled influence.
The judges are also looking to understand how your business has adapted, diversified and also contributed to community. The judges also like to see financial performance for any business-related nomination as it contributes to their judging process.
This award is for a serious networker who constantly connects people to the right businesses, successfully refers people in businesses for mutual benefits.
The nominee is either a networking group founder, run a networking group(s) or are consistently networking in a myriad of groups / organisations and supporting fellow business networkers through their vast network of connections.
The judges are also looking to understand how your nominee has adapted, diversified and also contributed to community. The judges also like to see financial performance for any business-related nomination as it contributes to their judging process.
This award recognises and rewards individuals and small teams who have harnessed the potential of their excellent research.
The Judges are looking to see how the nominee has has four award categories:
As we look to the future, we will rely on the innovation, resilience, vision and ingenuity of the next generation of entrepreneurs to solve problems, connect people and generate employment. Just as the Global Financial Crisis a decade ago led to a surge in entrepreneurship, we believe 2023 may see a rise in creativity and innovation and we want to continue to support the young companies breaking the mould to launch their products, services and solutions to a new age of consumer.
The judges are also looking to understand how your nominee has adapted, diversified and also contributed to community. The judges also like to see financial performance for any business-related nomination as it contributes to their judging process.
The Charity of the Year Award is open to charities, social enterprises and not for profit organisations which have a base in the Thames Valley and have been operating for more than 2 years.
The judges are also looking to understand how your nominee has adapted, diversified and also contributed to community. The judges would love to know of how you have provided your services during this period and provided extra support the community.
Please be advised that the judges will take the following information into account when judging:
1. The local impact - for example, how many employees the nominee has, the community groups they support.
2. The Charities history - It is always helpful for the judges to get a clear understanding how the charity has developed and progressed.
3. The future plans - Please detail anything that the nominee is looking at doing within the next 12 - 24 months for example plans for expansion, product development, any significant investment that.
4 Any personal testimonials/stories - and please share any testimonials, stories or particular examples of how this nominee has made a considerable impact via their achievements, service or career.
5. Overview of the services - tell us what makes you unique and the services, attraction and benefits you offer to visitors to the region.
6. Achievements to date - please detail any successes that the organisation has had so far. For example, how many clients they have, products that have launched, new contracts/business they have won.
Nominees in this category can be either an individual, companies, non-profit organisations, social enterprizes, community projects/trust or community interest companies who have made, and continue to make, an outstanding contribution to the Thames Valley community.
The judges are also looking to understand how your nominee has adapted, diversified and also contributed to community. The judges would love to know of how you have provided your services during this period and provided extra support the community.
Please be advised that the judges will take the following information into account when judging:
1. The local impact - for example, how many employees the nominee has, the community groups they support.
2. The history - It is always helpful for the judges to get a clear understanding how the nominee has developed and progressed.
3. The future plans - Please detail anything that the nominee is looking at doing within the next 12 - 24 months for example plans for expansion, product development, any significant investment that.
4 Any personal testimonials/stories - and please share any testimonials, stories or particular examples of how this nominee has made a considerable impact via their achievements, service or career.
5. Overview of the services - tell us what makes you unique and the services, attraction and benefits you offer to visitors to the region.
6. Achievements to date - please detail any successes that the organisation has had so far. For example, how many clients they have, products that have launched, new contracts/business they have won.
This award is for a unique individual who is recognized universally as having made an outstanding contribution to the region in his or her area of activity.
Please be advised that the judges will take the following information into account when judging:
1. The local impact - for example, how many employees the nominee has, any charities or community groups they support.
2. The Nominee history - It is always helpful for the judges to get a clear understanding how the nominee has developed and progressed.
3. The future plans - Please detail anything that the nominee is looking at doing within the next 12 - 24 months for example plans for expansion, product development, any significant investment that.
4. Any personal testimonials/stories - and please share any testimonials, stories or particular examples of how this nominee has made a considerable impact via their achievements, service or career.
5. Overview of the services - tell us what makes you unique and the services, attraction and benefits you offer to visitors to the region.
6. Achievements to date - please detail any successes that the organisation has had so far. For example, how many clients they have, products that have launched, new contracts/business they have won.
This award is open to any business (for example hotels, venues, theme attractions) operating in the tourism industry in Thames Valley. The judges will be looking for businesses that demonstrate exceptional commitment to providing an outstanding experience for visitors, tourists and business travellers to Thames Valley.
The judges are also looking to understand how your business has adapted, diversified and also contributed to community. The judges also like to see financial performance for any business-related nomination as it contributes to their judging process.
Please be advised that the judges will take the following information into account when judging:
1. The local impact - for example, how many employees the nominee has, any charities or community groups they support.
2. The Nominee history - It is always helpful for the judges to get a clear understanding how the nominee has developed and progressed.
3. The future plans - Please detail anything that the nominee is looking at doing within the next 12 - 24 months for example plans for expansion, product development, any significant investment that.
4. Any personal testimonials/stories - and please share any testimonials, stories or particular examples of how this nominee has made a considerable impact via their achievements, service or career.
5. Overview of the services - tell us what makes you unique and the services, attraction and benefits you offer to visitors to the region.
6. Achievements to date - please detail any successes that the organisation has had so far. For example, how many clients they have, products that have launched, new contracts/business they have won.